Sport Horses and Ponies - March Internet Auction

Bidding Opens: March 18, 2020 - Bidding Closes: March 25, 2020

Hip 49: Raven Leaguer

2011 Black Mare - AQHA Appendix (Trulee A KC x Umbrage) 16.0 hh, Delaware

Has fox hunted in the mid-Atlantic region for three seasons and whipped in for one season.

  • 2011
  • Black
  • Mare
  • 16.0 hh
  • Papers: Yes
  • Registry: AQHA
  • Reg. Number: X0706248

`Lucy` is a 16 hand, black appendix mare with the kind of presence and charisma that turns heads everywhere you go.

She is very affectionate and easy to be around on the ground. Lucy loves to work and have a job. She has the intelligence and athleticism to go in any direction.

Lucy has fox hunted in the mid-Atlantic region for three seasons and whipped in for one season. She doesn't bat an eye at hounds. Lucy has the bravery, stamina, and speed to be an excellent first field mount or staff horse. She successfully rode in the first field at the Sedgefield Performance Trials with 80+ horses and whipped in at the Wicomico Hunt Performance Trials. This fall, she participated in a fox hunting demonstration at Mount Vernon and handled the large crowds, noise, and microphones without a problem. She is a forward ride in the hunt field, so she would not be appropriate for a beginner rider.

Lucy has trail ridden extensively. She goes out alone or in a group. She moves out at the walk, so she does best in the front of the pack. She crosses ditches, mud, rocky terrain, water, bridges, covered bridges, train tracks, and goes through tunnels and up and down hills. She is experienced on a tie line for overnight camping. She has no problem with traffic and has experience riding ""road guard.""

Lucy has her ring basics covered at all gaits. She leg yields, turns on the forehand, and backs up. She has been ridden and shown indoors and outdoors. She is very responsive, has a soft mouth and does best with a confident rider with a light seat. Lucy loves to jump. She is brave to the fences in the ring and out in the open. She has competed over fences in hunter paces and has clear rounds up to 2'6 in the jumpers at local and USHJA outreach shows. She is quick and handy. She has scope to go higher, but I have not had the time to bring her to a higher level.

Lucy needs a more consistent program than my work schedule will allow. Selling her has been a difficult decision, but she has too much potential to just sit in the pasture. Will go English or western, but would do best fox hunting, eventing or as a jumper. Sells completely sound and ready to start a new job tomorrow.

UTD on shoes, shots, and coggins. USEF compliant microchip. Easy to work around on the ground. No bite or kick. She backs up in hand and moves out of your space when asked. She blankets, clips, stands for braiding, loads, trailers alone or with other horses, and behaves for the farrier and vet.

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Location of Horse: Clayton , Delaware
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